In episode 131 of the Leader of Learning Podcast, Dr. Dan Kreiness (@dr_kreiness) interviews Dr. Christopher Jones (@DrCSJones), an award-winning principal from Massachusetts, host of the Seeing to Lead podcast, and author of an upcoming book on school leadership. In the episode, Chris discusses how he practices learner- or teacher-centered leadership and his philosophy on SEEing (Support, Empower, and Engage) to lead.
In episode 130 of the Leader of Learning Podcast, Dr. Dan Kreiness (@dr_kreiness) interviews Dr. Rick Jetter (@RickJetter), a former teacher and administrator, education consultant, author, and co-founder of Pushing Boundaries Consulting. In the episode, Rick discusses the 100 Stop Book Series, how educators can be more effective by actually stopping what they are doing, how to push boundaries, and how to get more out of professional networking in education.
The work of a school leader may require some help from either a consultant or coach to better prepare the leader for how to handle their stressful responsibilities. So, the question is does a school leader need a leadership coach or consultant?
In episode 128 of the Leader of Learning Podcast, Dr. Dan Kreiness (@dr_kreiness) interviews Kerry Gallagher, JD (@kerryhawk02), an innovative teacher, school administrator, lawyer, TEDx speaker, keynote speaker, and education consultant who is an expert on digital wellness. In the episode, Kerry discusses why digital wellness should replace digital citizenship, how heightened technology use during the pandemic has affected students, how parents can be more proactive about their kids’ digital wellness, and how schools and parents can better partner together.
Episode 106 features Brad Hughes (@brad_hughes), an elementary school principal in Ontario, Canada with 25 years’ experience in education and host of the Good News, Brad News Podcast. During the episode, we discussed how educators can practice service leadership, using humor and other tools to help transform schools and their cultures, and how leadership can be a reciprocal process, where the leader grows just as much or more than those they serve.
Episode 103 features Sari Goldberg-McKeown (@sgteach_sari), a virtual principal and doctoral student from Long Island, New York. During the episode, we discussed leading a virtual-only school during the pandemic, pursuing a doctorate as part of the lifelong learning journey, and harnessing empathy, connections, and relationships to build a great school culture.
Episode 101 features Evan Whitehead (@evanwhitehead00), Director of Special Services for a PK–8 school district in Illinois. During the episode, we discussed addressing mental health in educators and students, handling the current difficult political and societal contexts, and his 3 B’s for wellness - Balance, Boundaries, and Breaks.
Episode 98 features Lindsay Titus (@ltitus828), a board certified behavior analyst, creator of Define YOUniversity, and author of the recently published Define YOU 30-Day Journal. During the episode, we discussed Lindsay’s unique work as a behavior specialist, the role trust plays in leadership and relationship building, and the importance of journaling.
Episode 97 features Maria Montroni-Currais (@MrsMCEDU), Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction for a PreK-8 school district in New Jersey and a popular education blogger. During the episode, we discussed how to build and maintain a positive climate and culture, the value of clear communication and building trust with others, as well as collaborating with other leaders.
By Jime Bopie Written exclusively for In the United States, teaching is a career that was once dominated by men. It was only around the mid-19th century that the profession’s gender composition changed, during the time when the public school system came to fruition. When schools opened their doors […]