Episode 101 features Evan Whitehead (@evanwhitehead00), Director of Special Services for a PK–8 school district in Illinois. During the episode, we discussed addressing mental health in educators and students, handling the current difficult political and societal contexts, and his 3 B’s for wellness - Balance, Boundaries, and Breaks.
Episode 98 features Lindsay Titus (@ltitus828), a board certified behavior analyst, creator of Define YOUniversity, and author of the recently published Define YOU 30-Day Journal. During the episode, we discussed Lindsay’s unique work as a behavior specialist, the role trust plays in leadership and relationship building, and the importance of journaling.
Episode 97 features Maria Montroni-Currais (@MrsMCEDU), Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction for a PreK-8 school district in New Jersey and a popular education blogger. During the episode, we discussed how to build and maintain a positive climate and culture, the value of clear communication and building trust with others, as well as collaborating with other leaders.
In this episode of the “Devil’s EDvocate” series, co-hosts Dr. Dan Kreiness (@dr_kreiness), Rachelle Dene Poth (@rdene915), and special guest Ken Shelton (@k_shelton) tackle the topic of growth mindset. During the episode, we discuss alternative perspectives on growth mindset and how not to have a deficit mentality, and we back it all up with relevant and timely research and data.