Trust is an essential component of any team, whether in a business or personal setting. When trust exists within a team, members are more likely to work together effectively, share information openly, and make decisions more confidently. However, when trust is lacking, teams often become ineffective, as members become guarded, withhold, and are less likely to collaborate.
The work of a school leader may require some help from either a consultant or coach to better prepare the leader for how to handle their stressful responsibilities. So, the question is does a school leader need a leadership coach or consultant?
Episode 123 features Dr. Kreiness (@dr_kreiness) discuss his decision to resign from a role as an assistant principal after only a few months. In his most vulnerable episode yet, Dr. Kreiness shares what initially excited him about the role, reasons that led to his resignation, why both decisions were very difficult for him and his family, and what the future holds for him and the Leader of Learning brand.
Episode 123 features Dr. Kreiness (@dr_kreiness) discuss his decision to resign from a role as an assistant principal after only a few months. In his most vulnerable episode yet, Dr. Kreiness shares what initially excited him about the role, reasons that led to his resignation, why both decisions were very difficult for him and his family, and what the future holds for him and the Leader of Learning brand.
By Rachel Savage, written exclusively for The Importance of Practical Education Learning is the most important thing in this present age. If a person has no marketable skills, lacks interpersonal skills, and cannot present their thoughts the right way, they can never excel in this fast-paced globalized world. But […]
If you’re a stay-at-home parent who’s always dreamed of going back to school, there’s no time like the present. Especially when many of the top universities in the country offer such flexible options for earning your degree. So whether you are interested in pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or even a PhD, Leader of Learning presents ideas on how to make it work for you and your busy schedule.
By Jime Bopie Written exclusively for In the United States, teaching is a career that was once dominated by men. It was only around the mid-19th century that the profession’s gender composition changed, during the time when the public school system came to fruition. When schools opened their doors […]
While the shortage of teachers continues to be a very pressing issue that highlights a lot of problems within the educational system, it doesn’t mean that educational institutions should take recruitment lightly just to fill the demand. In fact, they should put more emphasis on making the process effective and efficient to find the right educators that can spark change. To do this, educational institutions should write clear job descriptions, streamline their application process and use effective tools.
In episode 69, I will take listeners through an understanding of resistance to change, how it impacts teachers, and what educators and leaders can do to reduce it. I discuss how resistance to change is real and research-based, why teachers are resistant to change, what researchers say about the topic, and whether or not resistance to change can be prevented.
In episode 69, I will take listeners through an understanding of resistance to change, how it impacts teachers, and what educators and leaders can do to reduce it. I discuss how resistance to change is real and research-based, why teachers are resistant to change, what researchers say about the topic, and whether or not resistance to change can be prevented.